Bioeconomic Modeling

“Bioeconomic modeling” refers to computer simulation approaches that capture biophysical and economic processes plus their interactions. Conventional approaches, in contrast, build either on biology/physics (“Ecological Modeling”) or on economics (“Economic Modeling”), which severely narrows the range of valid simulation scenarios and feedbacks that can be analyzed.
While initial bioeconomic modeling attempts were confined to case studies with small spatial extents, recent advances in high-performance computing (“massive parallelization”) and programming technology (“agent-based simulation”) now permit large-scale fine-resolution analysis at landscape up to national level. This scope and detail are required to assess the economic and governance implications when introducing new digital technologies and agri-environmental policy programs. Members of this research network have been at the forefront of bioeconomic research for many years, particularly in Hohenheim’s Research Unit DFG-FOR 1695 (“Regional Climate Change”).
The software package MPMAS, developed in DFG-FOR 1695, is one of the most advanced agent-based land-use models with applications in 11 countries so far, documented in 38 peer-reviewed publications with more than 1,000 citations. The soil-plant system software package Expert-N (XN), originally developed at Helmholtz-Zentrum München and then extended in DFG-FOR 1695, is part of the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) and has demonstrated its predictive skills at various geographical locations around the globe. The bioeconomic modeling system MPMAS_XN is complemented by the seamless forecast system WRF-NOAHMP, operated in more than 40 countries, which has been refined in DFG-FOR 1695 for realizing advanced weather forecasts, seasonal simulations, and climate projections.
Researcher | Function | Location |
Berger, Thomas | Professor of Land Use Economics in the Tropics and Subtropics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Cadisch, Georg | Professor of Agronomy in the Tropics and Subtropics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Gayler, Sebastian | Biogeophysics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Ingwersen, Joachim | Biogeophysics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Koller, Bastian | Deputy Director of High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) | University of Stuttgart |
Nowak, Wolfgang | Professor of Stochastic Simulation and Safety Research for Hydrosystems | University of Stuttgart |
Resch, Michael | Professor of High Performance Computing, Director High Performance Computing Center | University of Stuttgart |
Schumacher, Maike | Professor of Data Assimilation in the Earth System | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Streck, Thilo | Professor of Biogeophysics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Troost, Christian | Land Use Economics in the Tropics and Subtropics | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Warrach-Sagi, Kirsten | Physics and Meteorology | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Wulfmeyer, Volker | Professor of Physics and Meteorology | University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart |
Project title | Start-Finish | Funding body | Annual average in 1,000 € |
FOR 1695 Agricultural Landscapes under Global Climate Change – Processes and Feedbacks on a Regional Scale | 2012-2018 | DFG | 760 |
Land-Atmosphere Feedback Observatory (LAFO) | 2017-2020 | Carl Zeiss Stiftung | 200 |
IRTG/RTG 1829 Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling | 2012-2021 | DFG | 750 |
SFB 1253 Catchments as Reactors (CAMPOS): Metabolism of Pollutants on the Landscape Scale | 2017-2020 | DFG | 2,383 |
Water and Earth System Science Competence Cluster | 2009-2015 | MWK, Helmholtz | 540 |
IRTG Climate Change Effects on Food Security (CLIFOOD) | 2017-2020 | DAAD | 500 |
Water - People - Agriculture | 2013-2025 | Ehrmann Foundation | 231 |
Microbial Regulation of Soil Functions in Agro-Ecosystems | 2015-2018 | Ellrichshausen Stiftun | 125 |
Underutilized or Unprotected? New Methods for Analyzing Diverging Perspectives on the Large-Scale Conversion of Tropical Grassland Ecosystems | 2016-2019 | Ellrichshausen Stiftung | 165 |
Phytoremediation of mercury contaminated mining sites in Ghana and Burkina Faso with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi | 2019-2022 | BMB | 400 |
SimLearn - Completing Training Data by Iteratively Learning Simulation | 2019-2022 | BMBF / DLR | 623 |