Research Network Big Data and Simulation Modeling

The transition towards a sustainable bioeconomy involves new opportunities, such as novel forms of value addition. At the same time, the primary sector is faced with meeting an increasing demand for bioproducts in form of food, feed, bioenergy, and biomaterials in an environmentally sustainable and socially acceptable way. One very promising option to meet this challenge is the use of digital technologies and Big Data.
However, Big Data as such have little value as long as they are not linked to the processes to be controlled – at field, landscape or national level. Turning these data into value requires a novel, holistic approach. Our vision is that this can be achieved best by combining Big Data with process knowledge and simulation modeling.
Digitalization will not only affect the speed and direction of structural change in the bioeconomy, but also shape the societal discourse about environmental challenges in primary production.
- Develop and refine procedures for measuring and extracting decision-relevant information from massive commercial, governmental and scientific databases
- Improve the understanding of biophysical and socioeconomic processes and feedbacks
- Increase the forecasting skills of the associated models and analytical systems
- Assess the potential governance implications on innovation and societal transformation